Varia of alcoholic beverages
11 days
Varia of alcoholic beverages Varia of alcoholic beverages Varia of alcoholic beverages Varia of alcoholic beverages Varia of alcoholic beverages Varia of alcoholic beverages Varia of alcoholic beverages

Varia of alcoholic beverages

Description :

  • environ 40 pieces in total
  • open or closed
  • pastis RICARD, liqueurs COINTREAU and MANDARINE NAPOLEON, gin OPIHR and COPPER HEAD... etc.
  • various syrups including LE SIROP DE MONIN, EVERYDAY, BONI, DELHAIZE... etc.

General remarks:

  • The buyer is supposed to have visited the items before his bidding in anticipation of the possible dismantling, disconnection or any other handling for the withdrawal of his purchase

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Current bid
or 61,71 € TTC

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Terms and conditions of sale

Specific terms and conditions

Monday Dec 30 2024 at 2:30 PM
End of auction
Monday Dec 30 2024 at 9:10 PM
Removal of the goods
Tuesday Jan 7 from 10:.
The precise schedule will be communicated to you a few days before pick-up.
1410 Waterloo - Belgium
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